Sunday, November 28, 2010

My American Girl Doll: Zoey

Last Christmas I got a american girl doll who was made to look like me. I named her Zoey. Zoey's birthday is on December 10 which is the day they made her mom says. Mom has made her a dress and some jeans for her, she already has a shirt and some leggings and shoes. I made her a bed: my little stool with a fluffy pillow on it, then a blanket on her. She sleeps with a mini teddy bear and a little blankie. I love her so much! I always carry her around the house, then read a book to her and then tuck her in bed. Mom said that Zoey is getting one present for Christmas and I found a mini stocking for her, we can't hang it but I am putting it out the night before Christmas. I told mom that I would fill it up. I already know what I am putting in it, a mini note book, a little container that has a bracelet that does not fit me and fits her in it, some mini homemade hair clips and then hanging out of it is a mini ballerina teddy bear! Oh and also in it is a little purse. I think that Zoey was the best present that I ever got!!!!!!!

Christmas, Sweet, Jolly, Old, Christmas

The day after Thanksgiving (black Friday) We put up our Christmas tree. Thomas spent the night so he could help us put up the Christmas tree. Once Dad and Thomas put up the Christmas tree we realized that half of the lights were out and half of them were on so we had to take all of them off because they were all connected. After a while all of our thumbs were swore because we had to pull of these plastic, green, mini horseshoe, clip looking things, that were hard to take off! Then we had to buy about 10 boxes of lights! Then we had to put the lights back on and clip them! The next morning we put on ornaments and now our tree looks beautiful!!!!! I love it the more I look at it (and I look at it a lot!) Now, Tara.... I am no longer mad that you put up your decorations because now I am not thinking about Thanksgiving, I am thinking about Christmas!!! Except for one thing remember everyone that it is still fall don't say anything like, "It's the middle of winter!" You can start saying that it is winter after it is December 21. (which is the first day of December.)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Best day EVER!!!!

The other day I went to school, kind of tired and kind of half awake, the reason why is because I slept in till 8:30!!!! (school starts at 9:00!) So I didn't even have time to eat breakfast! Mom gave me one of her chocolate shakes which I LOVE!!!!! So practically I went to school drinking a shake! This day was the day before Thanksgiving break! Which also means early out! We had so much fun! At the end of each month we have a party with all of the teachers and this month on this day was the party day! What we did was we had 3 teaches and they were all boys. The first one was Mr. Besindorfer but we call him Mr. B and he showed us this experiment where he put a candle in a pie tin with red colored water in it, then he lit the candle up and put a jar on top of the candle and the candle went out and the water came up! Then he showed us a cubed bubble wand and he dipped it in a big jar of soap and then pulled it out and a made a shape that looked like a upside down pyramid on a pyramid! It was really cool! Then we went to Mr. Pluta's classroom and we took a bottle of diet coke and then we put mint flavored mentos in it and it EXPLODED!!!!! Also in his class we took a pie tin and dumped some milk in it and then we put 2 drops of blue food coloring in the middle, then next to it we put all the other primary colors but only 1 drop, then we took a Q-tip with some soap on it and very lightly touched the colors it ended up looking like a tie die hippie shirt! Then the last but not least was my awesome teacher named Mr. Rosansky who showed us how to pull the table cloth from off the table with out moving any of the dishes. He also showed us some contests that we could do eggs, for example there are 2 jars and your jar... when you put the egg in it, it sinks. But mine will go down then go back up! The answer was that the jar where the egg floated had salt in it! So that was super fun!!! Towards the end of the day the 2nd graders made turkey hats and turkey gobbling things that sounded like a turkey and it was like a parade! I walked outside and my best friend named Kelsie grabbed my elbow and started skipping because she was hyper!  So we were skipping to Meagan's car and then she left on her bus and I went babysitting with Emma. I wish that I could have that day everyday!!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

It is NOT Christmas!!!!!!

It is not even Thanksgiving yet and everybody is doing Christmas things not like I don't love Christmas..... I LOVE Christmas but I am not going to let all the other holidays feel left out. If you ever turn on the radio they are playing Christmas music!! And at recess one time I saw a guy putting up some Christmas lights and it made me so mad and I know that you have to put up lights before it gets all cold and all but really! Oh and the whole drawing names thing... we already did that!!! If you check out ANY stores then you will see more Christmas decorations than Thanksgiving decorations and that's it but if you think about it then that is a lot! So I will be mad about this Christmas thing until the day after Thanksgiving!!!!!!

sorry about not updating my blog!

Hey everyone sorry about not updating my blog for such a long time you missed my beautiful barbie costume (by now I probably deleted all of my pictures.) Let's see what happened so far..... I got in the school class I wanted (Mr.Rosansky) and my best friend is in my class. I have been playing with friends non stop. My room is a mess, and I don't want to clean it (otherwise it would be clean.) Oh! And for Christmas I drew Amy's name (I would tell you what I am getting her but she might be reading this.) Mike drew my name and I sure hope that I will get something that I actually WANT!!!!!!! (aka: Meagan you should help him!) Every time I see mom she is knitting something for somebody else: Amy, Emma, herself!!! It is never something for me! I told her that one time and she told me that she was working on it when I am at school! But then she said that she had never said that before so I new that she wasn't and then she asked me if I liked this hat and if I would wear it so I am sort of convinced that I am getting that but I don't know if she is playing the game where you get there hopes up....... and then let them down. I don't know a lot of stuff, but I am getting closer and closer by every minute!!!!