I figured that since I have nothing else to do in my life and that I haven't written in here forever that I should write in my blog, just to touch things up a bit. Okay so...we left off at my best birthday ever! Man this is going to be a lot to talk about! School started (I guess I should start there) and well it's good...i guess. It's too early in 1 and 2 period that I can hardly think!! And don't make me mention the homework!! There is too much homework! I can't stand it!! Lets get into the classes first though. 1 period I have Science, we do labs almost everyday!! They can be fun but most of the time it's not (but most of the reason is because I get tired.) Then me and my friend Kaylee walk to our 2 period which is Utah Studies and it's in a portable. Usually we just talk in that class for the WHOLE time and mostly it's about food! I don't know why but it is what it is and I don't like that because it just makes me hungry!! Then me and Kaylee walk to our 3 period which is Music. He is so strict in how you sing, what your posture is and the way you pronounce every word!! I mean I know that he wants us to sing good and all but he is too strict!! Then it's lunch which is good because for some apparent reason I always get hungry in Music. Lunch is really short though you have to wait in a super long line (I bring home lunch, but I wait in line with my friend Kelsie) and that takes up most of your lunch time then you have 10 minutes to eat IF you want to go outside if not then you have 15. If you go outside then you walk around and talk and when they close the doors no one can go in and no one can go out so we have to walk around the whole school to the front doors but that isn't too long because you are talking the whole time! Then you go to 4 period which for me is CTE there are 3 different CTEs so they split it up during the year right now I am in Wood shop, but I won't be for long. The teacher gets really annoyed because we talk a lot. So far we have made a sticky note holder it is plastic that you bend when you heat it up and it's bent the perfect size for a sticky note to stick on. Then with some nails we screwed the bent piece of plastic to a small block of wood, then we drilled holes in the wood and that's where are pencils are supposed to go. Right now we are making a spinner which is much harder, but at least I'm trying! Then right across the hall is Health which is 5 period. Sometimes it can be really interesting but other times it can be super gross and when it's super gross it makes my stomach hurt! Next is Math and that's 6 period. Math is easier then it used to be and it makes the day seem like it's almost over but yet again it's really boring. And last but most definitely not least is 7 period which is Language Arts. I used to sit by my friend Kimber which was so much fun because she is happy and funny but now I don't but we can still talk before class. That's how school is going I guess. Nothing else to say (about school.)

So next, mom finally gave in to let us spend the night at a hotel with Tracy Dad!!!! But not only was it over night it was at a very fancy hotel called Grand America!! Yes I know what you are thinking how lucky am I!!! We ordered room service once and they gave us a rose with it! We were on the 27 out of 30 floors! This was our view from our room!
Our room was so fancy and clean! It was great!!
The night of we went to Meagan's house for a late night. For dinner we really just had junk food but it filled us up! We stayed at Meagan's till like midnight.
From looking outside up at the hotel it looked so high!! (well it IS so high.)
There was even a door bell outside our room!!
Fancy clocks and chandeliers were everywhere!!
It was so much fun! I broke my camera that I dropped in one of there elevators though! The morning of we woke up and Emma, Tracy dad, and Thom were arguing about something about Shakespeare. We didn't start walking to Denny's till about 10:00 and then when we got there we waited for our food till 11:00 and the little stuffed animal machines that don't work. Yeah they do! Emma got one that had 3 legs (weird I know). But I got a cute little elephant and the claw caught it by it's nose and it was just gracefully gliding and then dropped down the hole!
Um...now family: Ali and Mitchell are still cute and little Allison turned 1 last October. Mom made her a darling coat with a matching hat which she looks awesome in!! Then she got a cute little dolly from Meagan and another one from someone that I can't remember! I loved it when Ali was trying to play patty cake! She is darling!
Mitch is cute too though. His birthday was in July and he turned 3. Man that kid is growing up fast!! He is talking so much better too! And when he goes into the playroom and cooks and says to me that he made me ice cream, soup, cookies, and a ton of other things! It's so dang cute!!
And I have been really loving the old Mickey and Minnie Mouse!! Also Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches because of that peanut butter and jelly song that Dad gave me. Well I guess that catches us up till another 9 months. Well that's it.