Monday, August 16, 2010

School Shopping+Emma's Birthday+Cowabunga Bay+Water party=FUN!!!!

School is starting in only one week and I am so excited!! On the 19th T-dad will be taking us shopping for school, we will be getting school clothes and supplies. I also got the exact teacher I wanted...Mr. Rosansky, the only reason I wanted them is because we did this activity in school last year called 6th grade rotations where we learned about the teachers and what they were like and they learned about us. In is class we danced around played games talked about what they were like and then we limboed out of the room! On the 20th is Emma's birthday party at Cowabunga Bay (the water park) and I was invited to go with a friend, so I asked mom and she said that I would need a adult to go with me and my friend. Thomas couldn't go, Amy couldn't go, and mom didn't really want to go so I asked T-dad and he said yes, so now I am going but only if he keeps his word. Last time the same friend invited me to Cowabunga Bay and I said yes and we had the best time ever!! We had this yummy ice cream type of thing that was called Dippi'n Dots and they were so good!! We just had the funnest time so I am so excited for this week!

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