Friday, July 8, 2011

My absoulutly favorite birthday ever!!!

  So my birthday was the funnest!! It was so much fun Thursday was my birthday party and for some reason I got a ton of lotion!!!

We made journals...

we ate hoggies....

and decorated cake pops then for the rest of the time we played night games!

Friday mom took me to get makeup and after that we went to the cheesecake factory and had a cob salad. Saturday was Dad's surprise party where everyone came over for cake, then mom took dad out to dinner and so Thomas babysat me and he gave me his present which was just dance 2 and we played it for the whole night! Sunday was my birthday and we went to grandmas house and here is what i got:
A cellphone!! (crazy I know) from mom and dad
just dance 2 for the wii from thom
a little pink address book and lotion from amy
a really cute sock monkey named Sadie from emma
a sunday dress with matching shoes from mom
a minnie mouse T shirt and looney toons silly bands from meagan
a mickey mouse birthday card from grandma

                                      It was so fun and it couldn't get better than this!!


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