1.a doll ( with a hat and hair down)
2.polly pocket (with dogs)
3.polly pockets and there heads pop off
4.a small doll ( with red hair)
5.wakie takie pens
6.a purse
7.a watch (one strip for each day)
8.a grey dress
9.a wight turtlle-neck
10.a monster stuff-animal
11.1-100 conect the dots
12.a scratch & make a dress
14.2 webkinz both frogs a love frog(covered in hearts) & a tie die frog (a green frog)
15.a karoke michine (little)
16.black and wight pants
17.a scripter case
and Amy got me a locket in a bag with a flower on the locket.But sadly Emma was sick how sad
is that? Our family games were,
and wii for games we got
1.lego batman
2.wii music
3.animal crossing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.super mario calice
So if you are coming to the wide elefent party make sure you bring your children!