Friday, December 26, 2008


Christmas was so much fun, the things I got were,
1.a doll ( with a hat and hair down)
2.polly pocket (with dogs)
3.polly pockets and there heads pop off
4.a small doll ( with red hair)
5.wakie takie pens
6.a purse
7.a watch (one strip for each day)
8.a grey dress
9.a wight turtlle-neck
10.a monster stuff-animal
11.1-100 conect the dots
12.a scratch & make a dress
14.2 webkinz both frogs a love frog(covered in hearts) & a tie die frog (a green frog)
15.a karoke michine (little) and wight pants
17.a scripter case
and Amy got me a locket in a bag with a flower on the locket.But sadly Emma was sick how sad
is that? Our family games were,
and wii for games we got batman
2.wii music
3.animal crossing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.super mario calice
So if you are coming to the wide elefent party make sure you bring your children!

Friday, December 19, 2008

To much on my mind

This season my mind is about to explode, I have a present for Thomas and I am not sure if he will  like it, but forget that. A present for me is under the christmas tree from Amy it is small, but I      think it is two things, because everyday I pick it up and start feeling it, one side is hard the other  side is squishy, and I think the squishy side is tissue paper with something in it, but if it was just   tissue paper I would be really mad at Amy, because think about it opening a present on christmas day and only finding tissue paper with nothing in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How sad would that be?Plus I    have to take care of my mom, I really do like it, but washing her hair was very odd, because I have never washed anybody's hair before. Today was my first day practicing my piano, so I had to  do it over and over and over again, because on Saturday is our piano recital so what I think is on   my mind, is a lot.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lily & Cuteness

At Tara's it has been really REALLY fun.  Lily has been really cute, she can't stand leaving me.  She cries when I leave her, then she follows.  The only way to get her on the big chair was if I sat next to her.  I had to go to the crib and get all the stuffed animals and blankets.  Then, she kicks me off the chair and she lays down and I tuck her in on the chair and smiles at me.  Boy it has been a fun day!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Off Track and going to Tara's

This week I am off track.  I get to go to Tara's, yipee, I am so excited.  I love to play with Lily and Tara.  I have packed  a bag of stuff for tomorrow's adventure.  It is almost Christmas, we put our tree up. 

And we hung our stockings......

Have a  great week.   I love you.....