1.a doll ( with a hat and hair down)
2.polly pocket (with dogs)
3.polly pockets and there heads pop off
4.a small doll ( with red hair)
5.wakie takie pens
6.a purse
7.a watch (one strip for each day)
8.a grey dress
9.a wight turtlle-neck
10.a monster stuff-animal
11.1-100 conect the dots
12.a scratch & make a dress
14.2 webkinz both frogs a love frog(covered in hearts) & a tie die frog (a green frog)
15.a karoke michine (little)
16.black and wight pants
17.a scripter case
and Amy got me a locket in a bag with a flower on the locket.But sadly Emma was sick how sad
is that? Our family games were,
and wii for games we got
1.lego batman
2.wii music
3.animal crossing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.super mario calice
So if you are coming to the wide elefent party make sure you bring your children!
1 comment:
Madee, Madee, Madee! We would love to come to the white elephant party but we have no children and oops! we are in Georgia. We will miss you all but thanks for writing your blog. You are still our sunshine!
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