First off I had a dance performance (for school) and each class did there one type of dance. Our dance was the section of: "Body Movements" so, in our dance we had to mostly use parts of our body, we had to use big shapes and small shapes... different heights and levels and all that confusing stuff. On March 17th we performed in front of the school. I was quite nervous!!! But then today (March 19th) we performed in front of our parents, trust me there was so much more parents/family members then the students at our school (and this was only fifth grade parents!!) before we left to go to our performance I told my mom to record the dance and she said that our camera could not take that good of videos and so I was quite sad about that. But, once we finished our dance my mom told me that not only did she take pictures but she took a video too!! All the way home she was talking only that she was the best mom in the world!! And I kept saying, "Yes mom, you ARE the best mom in the world!!!!" Now before I end this part of my blog I have to say that I put my first video on and you HAVE to watch it you can't just skip it because that is very VERY rude and I know that most of you do that. (having trouble loading video....more to follow)
We've Moved!
8 years ago
There was no video - only a picture. Sound like fun, though.
Tara, I told you on my blog that I can not pull up the video.
Where's the video? You do have the BEST mom in the world. And you are the BEST granddaughter too.
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