The day after Thanksgiving (black Friday) We put up our Christmas tree. Thomas spent the night so he could help us put up the Christmas tree. Once Dad and Thomas put up the Christmas tree we realized that half of the lights were out and half of them were on so we had to take all of them off because they were all connected. After a while all of our thumbs were swore because we had to pull of these plastic, green, mini horseshoe, clip looking things, that were hard to take off! Then we had to buy about 10 boxes of lights! Then we had to put the lights back on and clip them! The next morning we put on ornaments and now our tree looks beautiful!!!!! I love it the more I look at it (and I look at it a lot!) Now, Tara.... I am no longer mad that you put up your decorations because now I am not thinking about Thanksgiving, I am thinking about Christmas!!! Except for one thing remember everyone that it is still fall don't say anything like, "It's the middle of winter!" You can start saying that it is winter after it is December 21. (which is the first day of December.)
I'm glad you have forgiven me - Christmas it is!!!!
Merry Christmas everyone. Love your tree.
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