Well for this years Valentine's box we did a monster. Probably the best Valentine box EVER!! But unfortunately there was not a contest in the class...but if there was I would have won. We were not supposed to make a box because we made a little bag that sat on your chair. But I made one just for fun. Valentines day shall never get old! A lot of people put there valentines in the sack but then i moved them into the mouth. Really what I was picturing for the monster was a short, long, no hair but horns, dark purple monster. And this is completely the opposite......usually the opposite would be bad and not awesome....but the opposite i guess some times can be GREAT!!!

Everyone knows that valentines day is about love. And another meaning for love is happiness. The little ones are the most cutest: Ali and Mitchell. I am quite surprised that I got a picture of Ali smiling. Ali always smiles but as soon as I put the camera up to her face she turns that smile up side down. But I obviously got a picture of her smiling by making her smile while I hold up the camera (even though this was the 100th try) and she never takes her eyes off the camera once she sees one. Also Meagan.......I took all of these pictures of Ali, Mitchell, and my monster...i have the CUTEST pictures!

Well I have been trying too much now, so I can not type under this pictures. When Amy and Mitchell came over, they turned on the song, all the signal lady's and Mitchell danced like no other monkey on a tree once he found a banana. Of course he was in his monster costume (like always) and it is sort of to big...like his sleeves were too long, and because they were too long they waved when ever he moved his hands. luckily I got a video of it but my computer hates videos. Mitchell....now when he dances he looks like a professional! And is smiling like no other!! (just like Ali.)
Oh. I love the monster, but too bad he ate all of your valentines. :)
Madee, that is the cutest monster valentine box I have ever seen. You are so clever.
hm. I just realized that *I* am not in the "my crazy family" picture. That is really rude. Also, you do take the best pictures of MY kids which is PATHETIC of me. Also, I love you. Also, Mitch thinks you're awesome. Also, All the Single Ladies is the best dancing song.
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